WellSpring Health & Acupuncture
Feel Your Best
Discomfort; whether mental or physical is your body’s way of communicating a state of imbalance. You deserve every opportunity to live a life filled with health, happiness, and overall well-being. At WellSpring Health & Acupuncture in Boulder, we understand that every individual is unique. We provide customized care and treatment through a detailed patient intake allowing us to understand your specific health goals and provide the necessary care for proven lasting results. We are dedicated and passionate to helping you live your best life.
Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of very fine, disposable, and sterile needles placed in specific locations on the patient’s body. This process stimulates a reaction within the body to nourish, support, and energize cells and in turn, assist in the restoration of health along with providing wellness and preventative care.
Acupuncture is a safe and effective time-tested medicine that originated in eastern societies and has since gained momentum in many western countries because of its positive results.
Acupuncture not only addresses the symptoms of an illness but the underlying cause; therefore, providing sustainable results. While individuals experience acupuncture differently, many patients of WellSpring Acupuncture in Boulder report experiencing minimal sensation during the insertion of needles while feeling deep relaxation and overall well-being during and after the course of the treatment.
A wellspring is the origin of a bountiful source. It provides a continual source of water that feeds a humble creek eventually becoming rivers and lakes. Oftentimes, a wellspring appears to be nothing more than an unassuming murky puddle; or perhaps a shallow pond. Deep within is the inexhaustible potential to be so much more.